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Why Are Language And Communication Evaluations Important?

Language and communication skills are the tools children use to understand the world around them. However, if you’ve noticed your child isn’t meeting certain milestones, a language and communication evaluation is key to ensuring they have the help they need. Learn more about how these evaluations will help your child reach their full potential.

What Are Language And Communication Skills?

Language skills refer to how someone expresses themselves through speaking, reading, listening, and writing. On the other hand, communication skills extend to non-verbal cues, such as gestures, facial expressions, and body language. Together, they’re the foundation for healthy interactions at home, in the classroom, and throughout life. Developing these skills effectively enables children to better understand the world around them.

How Evaluations Help Identify Your Child’s Needs

The earlier you identify your child’s needs, the faster they can develop their social skills. Our professional evaluations will assess their abilities, identify delays or disorders, and set the stage for effective interventions. The results can also create resources that fit your child’s specific needs, whether therapy, a personalized curriculum, or other types of support.

Tips For Parents Navigating The Evaluation Process

If you’re a parent who wants to schedule an evaluation for your child, here are a few tips for navigating this process:


  • Recognize Early Signs: The earlier you recognize a language disorder, the earlier you can provide your child with support. Keep a journal of their milestones and any areas they struggle with. Having trouble following directions, having a limited vocabulary for their age, or struggling with social interactions are common signs your child may need an evaluation.


  • Prepare for the Evaluation: Gather medical records, teacher observations, and personal notes about your child’s development. You can also take this time to ask questions you have about the evaluation process or potential outcomes for your child. Being prepared will help you make the most of the evaluation appointment.


  • Find A Solid Support System: Remember, seeking an evaluation is a step towards supporting your child’s well-being. Talk to your child about the assessment in simple, positive terms to help reduce any anxiety they might feel. If you need to, try to join support groups or reach out to parents going through similar experiences.

Contact Our Specialists Today

It’s completely normal to have concerns about your child's language and communication development. If you're seeking guidance on what to do, our specialists at Tiegerman are here to help. We have the resources and expertise to support children with developmental challenges and ensure they develop effective communication skills. Please contact us today to learn more about our evaluation services.


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